13%2B Flopped Products That Companies Regret Creating
By Claire Miles - September 19, 2022

Although it might not seem like it, even famous brands have a hard time when it comes to introducing new products to the market.  No matter how enormous a company’s marketing budget is, sometimes consumers just won’t find the new products useful or appealing.  From Colgate frozen dinners to Harley Davidson cologne, below we share with you some of the most bizarre products that have been released to the market over the last few decades. Enjoy!

Colgate Frozen meals line

As part of their brand extension efforts in 1982, Colgate came up with the most bizarre idea ever: frozen dinners. In the end, the plan backfired, probably because most consumers couldn’t help but think that Colgate’s meals would taste just like their toothpaste. Not only did the frozen meals fail miserably, but Colgate’s toothpaste sales also plummeted after the food line was released.